Get in touch with a caregiver or service provider in your local area with just a few clicks. Whether it's a pet sitter or house sitter while your on holiday, a babysitter for your 'date night' or a regular lawn mower, we can help.
Find that perfect carer for you and/or your loved ones
You choose whose the best fit — Search for caregivers in your area, learn more through in-depth profiles covering experience, reviews, skills & capabilities and more. Get in touch direct with those who catch your attention.
Let carer's come to you, post a job listing and review potential candidates. Carefinder is full of great caregivers and hopefully the one just for you.
Carer's and those seeking care get in touch direct with one another via our private messaging service to coordinate things like interviews, job requirements, dates & times.
Carefinder was easy and straight forward to navigate in terms of applying for the roles and communicating with the family. I have a steady load of upcoming jobs, but know where to turn to pick up more!
Find an Au Pair, Babysitter, Nanny or In Home Childcare in your local area.
We have Dog Walkers, Pet Sitters and more covering a wide variety of pets.
House Sitter required for an overseas holiday or perhaps someone to keep the household clean.
Extra help for you children at school or perhaps dance lessons? Tutors from all different area's.
Perhaps you're after household help, or specialised disability care. We're here to help.
Find someone to assist you around the home, run errands or just companionship.
Find a lawn mower, gardener or landscaper for around the home or perhaps the holiday home.
After a general handyman? From painting fences to repairing cracks in walls, a handyman can help.