from Dunedin
I have multiple teaching qualifications and currently work in the Early Childhood sector. I am available on call for a variety of work depending on times and your needs. I have been working with children for a long time and love the way they can surprise you with what they know and can do. I like to provide support for children but encourage them to develop their own independence and self skills. I will work with your routines and your child's interests to ensure they have a safe, happy, fun time.
I last logged in 2 weeks ago
Last Logged In
2 weeks ago
Travel Distance
80km (max.)
English Fluent
Driver Licence Type
Has Own Transport
Police Check Available
Okay with Pets
Education Level
University / Polytech Graduate
Education Provider
Otago University
BEd, BA, Postgraduate Diploma ECE Teaching
Interests & Hobbies
Music, Arts, Bridge (card games)
I have a BEd for Primary school teaching and a BA with a double major in History and Psychology. I also finished a post graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education (teaching) at the end of 2011 and added a graduate diploma with an interest in Maori culture and general specialist education topics. I have extensive childcare experience (17+ years and counting) with children of all ages. I am currently Nannying 4 days a week (Mon-Thurs a G1 and B4, and sometimes work as a support worker for children with disabilities age 3-5. I am available and complete a range of on-call for Childcare work. My rate varies depending on your requirements but basic rate is $16 per hour. Please email me directly if you have a job coming up.
22 years experience
Ages Experience
Newborns (under 3 months), Infants (3 months - 1 year), Toddlers (1-4 years), Children (4-11 years) and Teenagers (12+ years)
Will Care For
5 Children (max.)
Overnight Stays
Willing to Live In
Experience with Multiples
Additional Capabilities
Care for Pets, Collect Mail, Cooking/Meal Preparation, Homework Help and Run Errands... show all
Arts & Crafts, Baking, Bikes & Trikes, Dress Ups and Library Visits... show all
Annabelle offers the following Childcare services
20 - 30 / hour
Please contact me to discuss
Au Pair
Please contact me to discuss
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